Solidarity with the victims of the Floods in Valencia – Fundraising Campaign (English Version)

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01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025
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Following the devastating tragedy suffered by the community due to the storm “La DANA” in Valencia and accomplishing the requests of several people from all over the world who want to collaborate and cannot do so in person; one of the measures taken by our Association “Desata TU Potencial” (Unleash your Potential) based in Valencia is to create a fundraising campaign to help the victims first-hand.

This collaboration can be made by means of a donation to the account number

ES37 1491 0001 2120 8367 6227 BIC/SWIFT NR.  TRIOESMMXXX from Bank “Triodos Bank” in Spain to the name of Asociación Desata TU Potencial.

We will keep you informed about the amount of the contributions received and by the middle of next week we will be in contact with our local Associations to collect the materials that are most needed at that time:

– Food
– Medicines
– Clothes
– Hygiene or cleaning products

– ….

Thank you very much to all of you for your contribution !!!!! We will keep you informed of the amount collected and to which direct cause it will be destined.

If you have any questions, you can write to, by phone at +34 610 23 35 92, or through social networks @desatatupotencial.

If you want to pay by credit card, at the bottom of the page you can choose the amount your want to donate, if you want to donate a different amount you can write to


Tipo de ticket Precio Plazas
Contribution of 1.000 Euros 1.000,00 €
Contribution of 500 Euros 500,00 €
Contribution of 300 Euros 300,00 €
Contribution of 100 Euros 100,00 €
Contribution of 50 Euros 50,00 €
Contribution of 10 Euros 10,00 €

Si nunca te registraste en nuestra página, rellena el siguiente formulario:

DESATA TU POTENCIAL es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro y entidad de voluntariado creada y compuesta por un grupo de personas comprometidas con el desarrollo integral del potencial humano, especialmente de los jóvenes y adolescentes